This was written two and a half years before she died. Her writing is pretty shaky. This was probably written after her first stroke. Letters were important to her and me at that time because there was still no phone service to the farm. Thankfully, that did arrive not long after this and we were able to speak often before her death. I hope you are able to read the letter. Just in case, I've transcribed it below.
Tuesday 13, 1977 (Dec. 13, 1977)
Dear Genie, Teddy & Amy,
Sure wanted to come down for TJ's (Teddy's) birthday. We just didn't have the push to start start out. Thought of the three of you all day.
Thank you Genie for the C. Will try to see about a water heater this week. Papa and I just can't make it to Lake Jackson. Not now anyway. Thank you Genie, so very much love. We may not cash it. You see you had such a rough time. Don't be mad at us or think it wasn't appreciated. It is. You will never know how much. Please understand. Okay?
It's raining here this morning but not cold.
Oh! Did you get the gift for TJ's birthday?
Would he like a watch for Xmas do you think.
Must get this out there. (Getting the letter to the mailbox at the farm.)
Love from Mama and Daddy.
God's care our Love.